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Collection Item

Medieval Battle by The Spanish Forger

France or Spain
Mid 19th Century Circa 1860-1910
Paint on panel, paint simulated tortoise shell frame
Inventory Number

This particularly engaging battle scene is attributed to The Spanish Forger. It depicts a fierce riverside conflict between warring medieval armies at the foot of a castle. The Spanish Forger is the name given to an unidentified individual who, in the late 19th and early 20th century, created a variety forgeries of medieval art. His works included miniatures, works on vellum, parchment leaves taken from genuine medieval books and on panel. At the time their work fooled experts and collectors at the time and can now be found in many prestigious institutional collections, museums, and libraries around the world. To date over 200 works have been identified and attributed to them.

‘The Forger’ is believed to be of Spanish origin, as one of the first identified forgeries was attributed as a genuine work by Jerge Inglés a Spanish artist who was active during the 15th century. Some speculate these works were created in Paris France, to meet demand, as it was the centre of purchasing, selling, and forging in the late 19th Century.

Contact Brian for more information about any items in the collection.